Soft Tissue Therapy / Sport Massage
Soft Tissue Therapy is the manipulation of soft tissue to benefit a person engaged in regular physical activity.
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a: Fromehill Park, Dudbridge Hill, Stroud GL5 3HS
t: 07920755300
What is Soft Tissue Therapy?
Our Soft Tissue Massage Therapists use a variety of treatments, such as soft tissue release, myofascial Cupping, sports massage, trigger point therapy and Instrument Aided Soft Tissue Release (IASTR) to release tension, reduce pain and restore range of movement and function.
Common Conditions
Sports Massage can be used to treat a number of different injuries, including back pain, muscle tightness, headaches, fatigue and many other musculoskeletal issues. However it can also be used for a therapeutic effect to aid relaxation and personal wellbeing. Soft Tissue Massage is designed to release tension, reduce pain and restore a range of movement. It is highly beneficial in aiding recovery from training, an injury or just as a regular maintenance session to alleviate those aches and pains.
How Can Soft Tissue Therapy Help Me?
At your initial consultation your therapist will take a detailed assessment and look at your presenting problem. Following this, appropriate treatment will be provided with the aim of reducing pain, improving mobility, reducing muscle tension or addressing muscle imbalances. A tailored exercise program may be prescribed to facilitate your optimal recovery.